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We have 3 resident species, one of which the Lesser-spotted is seriously declining in number and Red Listed. The other two are doing fine. Our only other species, the Wryneck, is a passage migrant.
Greater-spotted Woodpecker
Greater-spotted Woodpecker - Our most familiar woodpecker. This is the species most likely to come to nut feeders in the garden. We get them in the garden most years as the hazelnuts develop on our tree. They strip the tree and take many of the nuts away to hide them for Winter. Some are hidden in an old telegraph pole. Females don't have the red patch at the back of the neck.
Green Woodpecker - More often seen on the ground than in trees. Ants make up a large proportion of their diets. They are more often heard than see, with their very distinctive 'yaffle' call. They are actually a very shy bird and difficult to get close to. Being green it's hard to spot them on the ground before frightening them off. They are obvious in flight with a large patch of bright yellow on the rump.
Yet to capture: Lesser-spotted Woodpecker; Wryneck
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