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Martins & Swallows 'Hirundines'
Popular summer visitors. Superb fliers that rarely stop for a rest. Great to watch feeding over meadows, rivers or reservoirs. They've declined in number, probably due to the decline in insects here. A challenge to photograph in flight as they're so fast and suddenly change direction frequently.
House Martin - Another species in decline. Summer migrants that build nests of mud on our houses. Well a few of them still anyway. Recognisable in flight by their pure white undersides and white rump only on their uppersides.
Photos 1& 2 show them gathering mud for nest building. Photo 5 shows a juvenile towards the end of the season. Photo 6 shows an adult leaving the nest after feeding young, on my mother's house.
Sand Martin - I guess sand martins are the plain looking member of the family. Lovely little birds though. They nest in sandy banks, often on the river bank. They are brownish, unlike the dark blue tones of the house martin and swallow.
Swallow - We all love to see swallows return each Spring, normally in April. They also build nests of mud on our buildings, but inside unlike house martins. You can recognise these in flight by their lovely long tail streamers.
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